A diverse flock of birds run radio station W.I.N.G. Bird Call Radio broadcasting music, talk shows, and of course bird calls. The show is set in Peach Pit, Connecticut in the suburbs on Jaybird Street. The station lives in the backyard of a young man named Wally Zutman. Wally is baffled by the odd noises that come from the station. Each time he investigates the flock hide away in order to hide their secret society. The birds must keep their distance from the humans for it's against the Bird Union Code to speak to them; with the exception of parrots and parakeets due to the "Pirate Parrot Parakeet Massacre" of 1776.
The Bird Union Code: "We are birds of a feather and we must flock together!" 

Luckl-Duckl Bird & Fowl Owl

Luckl-Duckl Bird & Fowl Owl

Francise Birdling

     The W.I.N.G. radio station is an old radio that’s been gutted and retro-fitted for the birds to broadcast music, talk shows, and of course bird calls. The station sits at the pinnacle of a wooden mast called The Nestling Mast along with various bird houses attached below. The humans in the neighborhood are unaware of the bird’s technological advancements and are often baffled by the array of sounds that coming from the bird houses.

Mr. Chicker is W.I.N.G.’s bumbling boss that cares more about quantity than quality when it comes to ratings. Francise Birdling is the station’s Programming Director and often goes to head to head with Chicker . The host of the hot-topic panel discussion show "Fowl Mouth" is Fowl Owl. He is the pompous know-it-all of the group and will stop at nothing to come out on top. Luckl-Duckl Bird, a rare bird species called the Dodaramius, is a young bird with a dream to host his own radio show. He is joined by his pyromaniac canary side-kick Speck. The two perform radio spots as announcers for various sponsors. Kesmoe Peapod is the laid back, Catnip lovin’ afternoon DJ on "Flock'n'Rock". Dillon Quailstein serves as the short-tempered station intern. Koo Foo is the station’s overly reserved news and weather anchor on “The Early Bird Hour”.

Mr. Chicker

Mr. Chicker

Grizzle, Buzzard, and Pinky


         W.I.N.G. competes with rival station 89.4 K.L.A.W. which sits in the neighboring tree of the young woman Harriet Dinseldorf. Grizzle Ingrid runs the ever-failing station K.L.A.W. with her minion/slave Pinky the Worm along with Poe Raven and her terrifying "crownies". Grizzle attempts to thwart W.I.N.G.; forcing her human-hating propaganda on feathered listeners, using Harriet's pet cat Henry, or hiring Buzzard Beak to turn them into roadkill. But the flock always find a way to outsmart her.

As for the humans, Wally is a college professor of Philosophy. Harriet Zutman is an interior designer and dreams of creating her own art. Wally often catches out of the ordinary activities from the birds in his yard. He attempts to show Harriet the birds odd behavior. Unfortunately, she always misses the birds leading her to believe Wally is a bit delirious.

The message the series conveys is about working together as "birds of a feather". The vast array of birds give examples in diversity and holding onto friendships in your darkest hours. This feathered flock hatched from the mind of Calvin Lester will keep your talons tapping and your beak squawking with laughter. 
Sing out loud and proud… your BIRD CALL!

Koo Foo

Koo Foo

Kesmoe and Dillon

Kesmoe and Dillon
